Concrete for my House?

  Definitely, when we talk about a house we don’t immediately bring to the planning board the idea of concrete, no! Well, while I was watching a show with some cool houses, I saw one that called my attention. It was different and spacious, but more than anything it was “modern” and it had aContinue reading “Concrete for my House?”

Small House

    While a lot of people is focusing on getting a tiny little space where to live to save money, others spend a fortune just renovating an old house. So where is the middle line when we talk about housing? All depends on what you really need. Small spaces are not made for everyone,Continue reading “Small House”

48″, I just need that!

When it comes to looking for space, sometimes we don’t look in the right places. We wish for a whole room, but the question is what to do if we don’t have that room, where are you going to look then? Well, space is usually there, maybe we can retrieve some of it if weContinue reading “48″, I just need that!”

Small Spaces Needed!

I love the challenge that some projects present, but sometimes it gets really difficult to be able to accomplish what the customer is asking for. My experience in small properties has been extensive in the last few years. I live in a state where a lot of the houses are small, and in most ofContinue reading “Small Spaces Needed!”

How to change a room

Many times in this field, we find the same question, How can I change this room? Well in my time of practice, I have spent a lot of time just to visualize little changes, that will give to the room a great look. From my point of view, not always, the average customer has enoughContinue reading “How to change a room”

Flea-Market Finders!

Flea-Market Finders! Spring is here and with it a whole new list of things to do around the house. Like always I like to share some useful ideas, something that it is easy to do and actually serve a purpose in your décor and of course “Low Budget”. One of the best way to getContinue reading “Flea-Market Finders!”

Redecorating, Reinventing Spaces

Redecorating, Reinventing Spaces The ability to recreate a space is not in having the advantage of having the money to do it, but the actual ability, to see a second use in some things, whether furniture or other ornaments. The triumph of beautiful decor is mostly in the eye of the decorator and the abilityContinue reading “Redecorating, Reinventing Spaces”

KITCHEN RENOVATION – With the new Technology !

  KITCHEN RENOVATION  With the new Technology ! Who could say that would be viewing images on our computers, which have not yet been created? Well, the fact is, every day are more design centers that use sophisticated software to recreate the perfect space, dream bathroom or the kitchen of the future. During my timeContinue reading “KITCHEN RENOVATION – With the new Technology !”

Mood for Autumn

“Mood for autumn” I was out the other day, window shopping mostly, and it was one of the first days where the temperature was below 70 degrees, it felt great, at least for me, I like colder weather. I noticed that all the stores had Halloween decorations, and it is right, jus less than 2Continue reading “Mood for Autumn”

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